
Cataract Femtosecond Laser Device –LenSx

Alcon produced the world's first femtosecond laser LenSx applied to cataract surgery。 As the only authorized repair service provider in China, Skywavemed company has professional and cutting-edge technical personnel, sufficient parts inventory reserve, invite such needs of customers and third-party companies to consult and negotiate.

LenSx, the world's first femtosecond laser for cataract surgery produced by American Alcon Company, integrates femtosecond laser technology and OCT tomography technology, and the OCT accurately locates and guides femtosecond laser to complete the accurate cutting of all procedures of capsular tearing, nucleus breaking, astigmatism and incision at one time. The scientific and technological content of the equipment exceeds all femtosecond lasers and excimer lasers on the market, and the technical requirements for repair and maintenance are very high.

As the only authorized repair service provider in China, Skywavemed has professional and cutting-edge technical personnel, sufficient parts inventory reserve, and invites customers and third-party companies to come to consult and negotiate with them. Escorting LenSx femtosecond laser users across the country. 

衡东县| 临桂县| 威宁| 罗定市| 丰县| 长顺县| 沈阳市| 齐河县| 新和县| 郎溪县| 廉江市| 建水县| 深州市| 赣州市| 丹巴县| 东光县| 云霄县| 合川市| 噶尔县| 横山县| 广河县| 深泽县| 张家口市| 双辽市| 农安县| 广平县| 博野县| 元朗区| 房山区| 堆龙德庆县| 赞皇县| 平泉县| 竹北市| 渝北区| 万年县| 奉化市| 满洲里市| 无极县| 丹棱县| 武城县| 家居|