
Patient Interface Component

J&J AMO Intralase Patient Interface Component (PI) : Femtosecond surgical flattening cone mirror. We sincerely invite customers and third-party companies with such needs to come to consult and negotiate.

Intralase Patient Interface Assembly (Femtosecond Surgical Flattening Cone), abbreviated PI: suitable for use with J&J AMO-Intralase 60&150 refractive femtosecond laser equipment. The patient interface component, PI, flattens the patient's cornea with the femtosecond laser device operated by the doctor during surgery, maintaining the precise distance between the laser treatment head and the laser focus in the corneal tissue, so that the femtosecond laser device can transmit laser pulses in accordance with the mode set by the doctor to carry out various targeted cutting on the cornea. In brief, the role of the femtosecond laser flattening cone is to ensure the femtosecond laser accurate positioning and directional scanning of important interface components, considering the risk of medical cross-infection, this part is a disposable surgical expendable material.

We sincerely invite customers and third-party companies with such needs to come to consult and negotiate.

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